破渔网兜兜 发表于 2020-6-11 14:30:56


如果专注听力的话,可以先把音频当听力材料进行听写,多听几遍,然后进行翻译对照,因为无法直接上传音频,可以进入我的网 盘小组,我会把每天的翻译部分的音频分段,可以用app直接听
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翻译答案:I'm going to the lingerie store.
- Good. I need some bras. - I'm gonna be a while.
I might get a facial.
I have a face.
- Hey, Mike. - How's it going?
- Good. Just came by to say hello. -Hello.
So you remember the cop from the neighborhood watch meeting?
He agreed to run a fingerprint check on
the screwdriver I found at Mrs. Frome's house.
He did? Nothing was taken.
Still, somebody broke in. It is a crime.
So the weird thing is the cop asked me out,
on a date.
And I sort of said yes.
I was just curious what you thought about that.
You're asking my permission to go out with him?

读完一本书原文:Three times a week they went out to the greenhouses behind the castle to study Herbology, with a dumpy little witch called Professor Sprout, where they learned how to take care of all the strange plants and fungi, and found out what they were used for.
Easily the most boring class was History of Magic, which was the only one taught by a ghost. Professor Binns had been very old indeed when he had fallen asleep in front of the staff room fire and got up next morning to teach, leaving his body behind him. Binns droned on and on while they scribbled down names and dates, and got Emeric the Evil and Uric the Oddball mixed up.
Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. At the start of their first class he took the roll call, and when he reached Harry’s name he gave an excited squeak and toppled out of sight.
Professor McGonagall was again different. Harry had been quite right to think she wasn’t a teacher to cross. Strict and clever, she gave them a talking-to the moment they sat down in her first class.



  麦格教授跟他们都不一样。哈利没有看错。他一眼就看出这位教授不好对付。她严格、聪明,他们刚坐下来上第一堂课她就给他们来了个下马威。    翻译篇(每次翻译的量都不会很大,全部翻译才有奖励哦)

There is ugliness in this world, disarray. I choose to see the beauty.
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