Eat.随 发表于 2023-12-7 11:49:01


10.2. Exercise
Dougie Dog has invented an "encryption" technique to keep secrets from the Ferocious Kittens. Fortunately, cats are extremely intelligent, and have cracked the simple code:
  1. Letters are grouped into pairs. Add a space to the end of the stringif necessary to give it an even number of characters (here "character" means char.
  2. Make an int from each pair by sticking the bits from the first letterin front of the bits from the second letter. You may assume that we are using 8-bit ASCII.
3. XOR the result with 31337.
Here's two examples of encryption:"cats" and "kittens".
1. Pairs:"ca ts"
"ki tt en s_"(_ represents a space)
2. into ints:25441 29811
27497 29812 25966 29472
3. XOR with 31337:6408 3610
4352 3613 7943 2377
Decryption is performed with the same steps, but in reverse order.
·The Ferocious Kittens have intercepted two secret messagesfrom Dougie Dog:
  15643 6913 6916 23040 2377 6985 6408 3657 56383084 2119 15910 23079 13629 23101 10300 1055723073 13092 23369
·Write a program that decrypts them.
  (hint: this will be a lot easier if you begin by writing a program toencrypt values -- you can check each step with"cats" and "kittens" to make sure you understand the process!)
  ·You must use a function to split a large integer into two separateletters. This function may not print anything to the screen. (hint: how can a function return two values?)

FishC_GPT 发表于 2023-12-7 11:49:47


def encrypt(string):
    # 第一步:将字符串分组成对,并添加空格以获得偶数个字符
    if len(string) % 2 != 0:
      string += " "
    pairs = []
    for i in range(0, len(string), 2):
      pair = string + string
    # 第二步:将每对字符转换为数字
    ints = []
    for pair in pairs:
      first = ord(pair) # 将第一个字符转换为ASCII码
      second = ord(pair) # 将第二个字符转换为ASCII码
      combined = (first << 8) + second # 将第一个字符的ASCII码位移到高位,再与第二个字符的ASCII码相加
    # 第三步:将结果与31337进行异或运算
    encrypted = []
    for num in ints:
      xor_result = num ^ 31337
    return encrypted

def decrypt(nums):
    decrypted = []
    for num in nums:
      xor_result = num ^ 31337
    pairs = []
    for num in decrypted:
      first = num >> 8 # 将整数右移8位,获得第一个字符的ASCII码
      second = num & 255 # 通过与255进行与运算,获得第二个字符的ASCII码
      pair = chr(first) + chr(second) # 将两个ASCII码转换为字符
    string = "".join(pairs)
    return string

# 测试加密函数
encrypted = encrypt("cats")
print(encrypted)# 输出:

# 测试解密函数
decrypted = decrypt()
print(decrypted)# 输出:"cats"


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