不二如是 发表于 2024-2-12 14:00:00

2024年02月TIOBE编程语言排行榜 | 【Go杀入前十】

本帖最后由 不二如是 于 2024-2-12 17:30 编辑


2024年01月TIOBE编程语言排行榜 | 【2023年度语言是???】

February Headline: The Go programming language enters the top 10

This month, Go entered the TIOBE index top 10 at position 8. This is the highest position Go has ever had. When it was launched by Google in November 2009, Go was an instant hit. These were the days that everything that Google did was magic. A few years before Go's appearance, Google released GMail, Google Maps and Google Docs. So when Google announced its first own language, Go, the software community was thrilled. It was the talk of the town. After only 2 months of existence, Go won the TIOBE language of the year award. Unexpectedly, the hype was over soon. In 2015, Go hit position #122 in the TIOBE index and all seemed lost. One year later, Go adopted a very strict "half a year" release cycle (backed up by Google). Every new release, Go improved. In parallel, Docker and Kubernetes (both written in Go) started to become very popular as of 2016. This helped to regain confidence in Go. Nowadays, Go is used in many software fields such as back end programming, web services and APIs. Thanks to its growing adoption in industry, Go seems to be a language that has the capabilities to stay in the TIOBE index top 10 for a long time. Interesting side note: the most recent new language of Google, Carbon, entered the top 100 for the first time this month. -- Paul Jansen, CEO TIOBE Software


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年度 最佳
2003 C++
2004 PHP
2005 Java
2006 Ruby
2007 Python
2008 C
2009 Go
2010 Python
2011 Object-C
2012 Object-C
2013 Transact-SQL
2014 JavaScript
2015 Java
2016 Go
2017 C
2018 Python
2019 C
2020 Python
2021 Python
2022 C++
2023 C#

      TIOBE 编程语言社区排行榜是编程语言流行趋势的一个指标,每月更新,这份排行榜排名基于互联网上有经验的程序员、课程和第三方厂商的数量。

      排名使用著名的搜索引擎(诸如 Google、MSN、Yahoo!、Wikipedia 以及 Baidu 等)进行计算。




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学习编程中的Ben 发表于 2024-2-12 14:03:30


liuhongrun2022 发表于 2024-2-12 14:06:10


某一个“天” 发表于 2024-2-12 14:55:56


九歌当下 发表于 2024-2-12 15:06:26


yinda_peng 发表于 2024-2-12 15:10:07


zhangchenyvn 发表于 2024-2-12 15:33:26


zhangchenyvn 发表于 2024-2-12 15:33:43


hveagle 发表于 2024-2-12 17:10:23


hveagle 发表于 2024-2-12 17:11:17


小甲鱼的二师兄 发表于 2024-2-13 06:41:25


陶远航 发表于 2024-2-13 08:28:07


1Asdusdhjssd 发表于 2024-2-13 09:40:57


Mrhuj 发表于 2024-2-26 10:57:01

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查看完整版本: 2024年02月TIOBE编程语言排行榜 | 【Go杀入前十】